Topband: 2-wire Beverage

Victor A. Kean, Jr. vkean at
Thu Jan 8 09:07:57 EST 2009

On Thursday 08 January 2009 4:07:54 am Greg - ZL3IX wrote:
> Line impedance will therefore not be uniform along the length.
> Do you think it is better to use open and short terminations
> or a reflection transformer in these circumstances?

Whether you use a reflection transformer or not wouldn't have
anything to do with the uniformity of the impedance along the
length of the Beverage.  I'm going to guess that access to
the remote site is infrequent, and you are looking for the
greatest chance of success on the first try.

The quality of the ground probably makes the biggest impact on
Beverage performance.  Since you are running through trees, I'm
going to guess that your ground is reasonably good (not too
sandy, too dry, too shallow before bedrock, or too rocky).  If
that is the case, a ground rod or three should be quite 

In my experience, long Beverages work the same whether or not
you use a reflection transformer.  However, the reflection
transformer gives some people some comfort from the idea that
all of the available signal energy is preserved through the

I hope this non-answer helps.  I'm sure others will give you
their experience.

Victor, K1LT

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