Topband: Coax

Paul Christensen w9ac at
Tue Jan 20 10:40:56 EST 2009

> "For receive I use RG-6/U quad shield from Home Depot. As I recall a 500 
> foot roll costs between $50 and $100 (closer to $50). It works great."

Equally good for Rx is the flooded, direct-bury RG-6 QS.  I'm a refugee from 
the CATV industry and have developed an appreciation for Snap-'N-Seal "F" 
connectors.  DXE supplies high quality SNS hardware -- and Home Depot 
supplies the Ideal Industries brand compression tools and SNS connectors at 
reasonable prices.  SNS hardware can also be found under the Thomas & Betts 
and Augat brand names.

A reliable SNS fitting requires a coaxial cable prep tool designed for the 
SNS connector and equally important, a contour-blade cable cutter to prevent 
the RG-6 cable from being crushed as it's cut.from the spool.

Paul, W9AC 

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