Topband: Really boring after the contest

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Mon Jan 26 12:21:29 EST 2009

I got up for sunrise today hoping a few DX stations would
still be at the contest qth or still primed over the fantastic
conditions,  but if they were there the conditions have gone.
EY8/K4ZM was very loud 599 signals here,  XU7 and
DS1 also good copy,  but EU was too weak to make it
through,  OG2M broke through at the sunrise peak and
of course E74AW Dado,  who has a signal here almost
But what I wanted to mention was some type of ping or
echo which I have not heard on 160 to this degree before.
I was using QSK and at first I could hear a ping at the
end of each character,  as time went on,  it became
longer and loner to the point that I could not use QSK
as the echo lasted long enough to fill the space between
characters.   You could send a dit and count to 2 and
still hear it.   Then suddenly about 20 mins later it just
stopped completely,  I have heard this type of echo on
20 meters many times, but never on 160.  
I was hearing no ping or echo on other signals on the
band,  just on my own.  
Perhaps the remnants of QRM stored in the K3 from the
contest waiting to be let loose. 
73 Merv KH7C

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