CRAIG CLARK jcclark at
Wed Jul 15 12:16:04 PDT 2009

This antenna idea is not new. My 1982 edition of the ARRL Antenna Book shows
one on page 10-12. As I remember, the bandwidth is rather low, 10-15 KHz and
it is at best a compromise antenna. At best, the helical antenna is a
compromise of space versus performance. 

Do you have any trees that you can use as an antenna support? For the
effort, I'd favor an inverted L or one of its iterations over the helical
design. With a tuning network, this antenna can be quite successful on
160-80 and 40 meters.  

As for a loop at 8 feet, I would suggest it is not worth the effort. It is
far too low to give any credible performance on the low bands.  

Good luck

Craig Clark K1QX
PO Box 209
Rindge NH 03461
603 899 6957 

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