Topband: QEX article and T-vertical improvement

GEORGE WALLNER gwallner at
Tue Jul 21 05:23:51 PDT 2009

On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 05:46:57 -0600
  "Steve Flood" <kk7uv at> wrote:
> EZNEC shows me that by extending my T topload wire to 
>140-ft. long, the current maxima will move up to the 
>middle of the vertical
> But what am I giving up?

1. You end up with a larger antenna

2. You should have longer (and more) radials as moving up 
the current maxima up moves the return current maxima away 
from the base of the antenna.

3. You may just get away with a series capacitor for 
matching. In any case, you don't need to RF shield the 
matching network.



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