Topband: T - vertical improvement

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Tue Jul 21 09:15:37 PDT 2009

Roy wrote:
> "A couple questions for the group....
> 1.  Supposedly I will end up with higher radiation resistance and 
> efficiency, and I assume higher effective radiated power.  But what am I 
> giving up?"
> Current maxima in your radials moves farther out from the feedpoint location 
> than with a quarter wave antenna. Therefore you need longer radials.
> 73,   Roy    K6XK

I have seen this statement many times.  In actual tests on 20 meters,
a half wave vertical with no radials is indistinguishable from a
quarter wave vertical with 32 radials.  Comparing a half wave vertical
with no radials to another with 500 foot long radials, indicates the
latter has a just distinguishable advantage, maybe 2 dB.  Again, this
is a physical test, not an NEC simulation.  My conclusion
is that you shouldn't be afraid to move the current maximum upward,
even if you aren't going to make the radials longer.

Rick N6RK

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