Topband: Topband loaded dipole

Dan Zimmerman N3OX n3ox at
Fri Jul 24 10:15:37 PDT 2009

> Ian, if you want the best DX performance, do what the others say and use a
> Marconi Tee. But if you want to optimise your high angle inter-G signal,
> then use an inductively loaded dipole arrangement or fold back the dipole
> ends underneath.

You also don't necessarily have to choose if you install radials and a
switching system to switch the feed at the bottom from differential driving
of the feedline to common-mode driving of both conductors.

There's pretty reasonable evidence that a ground screen underneath a low
dipole decreases losses.  Usually this takes the form of wires parallel to
the radiator, but it seems like you could make the radials under the dipole
axis more dense and still have some perpendicular to make better use of the
space for T-vertical feed.


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