Topband: Beverage Feed Line Choke Installation

Bill Tippett btippett at
Mon Jun 1 05:48:14 PDT 2009

 > I understand that low-output RX antennas like flags, pennants, and
various loops need more common mode suppression than Beverages.  I
wonder if two of those chokes, with a ground in between, 10-15 feet
from the matching transformer, would be a satisfactory design.

         I doubt it.  I believe the choke needs to be as close to
the feedpoint as possible.  Carlos N4IS is very knowledgeable about
flags and uses 14 turns of RG-58 on a FT 244-77 toroid (or 14 turns
of RG-174 on FT 140-77) on his Waller Flags (two chokes).

                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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