Topband: Beverage antenna switch design needed

WY7I wy7i at
Sun Mar 15 15:30:51 PDT 2009

Hello Topbanders,

Question #1:
I'd like to construct a homebrew beverage antenna switch. I looked for designs/schematics on Google, but found little that worked well. If anyone has a good circuit diagram of one they know is a good one, I'd like to have it.

Otherwise, if the beverage coaxes are all RG-8x terminated in RCA jacks (for the ICOM PRO II RX antenna socket), then can I just use a good rotary switch, or do I need some relays in there for each connection? If so, I'm thinking solid state relays.

Question #2:
I have a failed 80m four-square array--the winter WX here in CO turned a couple of the vertical elements into I'm thinking of putting a 30m vertical up on top of the 80m radial field...any problems with that? It's a grid of 80m radials, about 256 of them as per ON4UN's book, and the advice of COMTEK, but now I'm gonna put up a 30m radiator on top of it--would I need to add 30m-sized radials to the grid? Wouldn't seem so...

Any advice on the above two issues would be appreciated.


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