Topband: New station (Thank You All!)

Brian Gieryk ke6iyc at
Thu Mar 19 07:34:24 PDT 2009

First and foremost, let me say a BIG heartfelt THANK YOU to all who  
have replied to my inquiries...

Since I have become a broadcast engineer (Television, 5 1/2 years now)  
I have developed a deep passion and love for all things broadcast.

It is because of this passion that I have a desire to replicate the  
broadcast ATU for my new install.

I realize there are LOTS of alternatives (as you folks have so  
graciously brought to my attention) and ALL have their merit, and I  
have considered several.

I have kept returning, though, to the "basic" ATU, not because it is  
the best (or most cost effective!) option, but because it fits the  
overall "feel" of what I am after.

I again THANK all of you, and am now on to the process of collecting  
parts (sources are always appreciated!) and WIRE (LOTS of wire).



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