Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand DX CHallenge V14

Lew Sayre w7ew at
Sun Nov 1 11:53:48 PST 2009

TopBand Creatures of The Morse,
     The 14th edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is getting
closer to ignition.  The Stew Perry
Warm-Up occurred recently with a couple of West Coast stations each working
over 45 EU stations. We believe
that this is a sign of a vibrant, active band rather than the signalling
of an apocalypse. If you have any RF in your
bloodstream and the remote possibility to get on 160M then you should drive
your computer to:
and gain an understanding of this contest. The Boring Amateur Radio Club
sponsors  this year end exercise and
have structured it in a way to attempt to make this RF contest somewhat
"fair"..whatever that means.  To encourage
participation in this radio melee, The Boring Amateur Radio Club believes
that the contestants themselves should
state publicly what splendorous acts of contesting would merit a plaque
denoting excellence in a particular field.
The Radio Stalwarts listed below are sponsoring certain plaques that they
feel should be appreciated by the TopBand
Community.  When you meet one of these philanthropic radio pioneers please
offer to buy them a beverage or tell them
of your admiration.

KL7RA                         Highest number of QSO's
F8BPN                         Top Score Low Power Europe
N7UA                           Top Score High Power
K6ND                           K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
K7FL                            Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
N7KQ                           Top Score Central/South America
N0TT                            Top Score Low Power Minnesota
DX Engineering              Top Score USA
DX Engineering              Top Score Hi-Power Europe
KH6LC                          VK-ZL CHallenge- Top Score VK/ZL
W0UCE                         Antenna Limited-1 Tx wire & 1 Rx wire no
bigger than K9AY loop/ no Bevs

     You can join this distinguished group by sending me an appropriate idea
for a plaque followed by $55.  These ideas
must be able to pass the Family Hour test as judged by The Boring Amateur
Radio Club Committee on Non-Smut. If you are
a donor and you're not sure if you sent plaque $, just send me an email as I
do keep track.
     The plaques for the 2008 Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge are about
27/30 of the way done.  They will go into the mail
during this upcoming week.
     Astute Topbanders and newcomers to The Stew will note that this contest
is a CW contest only.  This means you now have
even more motivation to improve or even start your mastery of the dits and
dahs.  There have been plaques in the past for a winning
operator never going > 18 wpm and there will probably be such plaques in the
     This years 14th Edition of the Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge will
happen on December 26.  This will afford you a perfect
chance to recover from all the things that happen the two days and weeks
before.  Start now to preserve your Stew Perry time
with appropriate discussions with family members about holiday time
     More epistles to the people who care as the time gets closer to The
     73 and I remain,
     Lew Sayre   W7EW/W7AT
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club Plaqueing Mongerer
     w7ew at

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