Topband: Hospital Grade Outlets and Surge Suppressors

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at
Mon Nov 2 17:14:33 PST 2009

> They are almost certainly MOVs. Shunt mode surge suppressors 
> (MOVs) on branch circuits are a very bad idea -- If equipment 
> plugged in at those outlets are connected to anything plugged 
> in at a different outlet, the differential voltage between the 
> green wires can blow up that equipment in the event of a strike. 

It doesn't even have to be connected to something plugged into a 
different outlet.  If the equipment is connected to a tower 
ground (e.g., transceiver/antenna) and the tower ground is not 
bonded to the power entrance (safety) ground, it is easy to 
blow up equipment when the grounds diverge.  

Most "spontaneous" failures are probably due to relatively small 
divergences between "RF" ground and safety ground.


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: topband-bounces at 
> [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
> Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 11:04 AM
> To: topband at
> Subject: Topband: Hospital Grade Outlets and Surge Suppressors
> On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 09:47:37 -0500, Paul Christensen wrote:
> >I did purchase several 20A Hubbell hospital-grade outlets with
> >integrated secondary-type surge suppressors.  
> They are almost certainly MOVs. Shunt mode surge suppressors 
> (MOVs) on 
> branch circuits are a very bad idea -- If equipment plugged 
> in at those 
> outlets are connected to anything plugged in at a different 
> outlet, the 
> differential voltage between the green wires can blow up that 
> equipment in 
> the event of a strike. 
> >The hospital-grade outlets do in fact have a better gripping 
> mechanism, 
> >and
> >both the Hubbell and Leviton models provide an excellent 
> straight-wire 
> >insert to a screw-down clamp -- instead of a J-hook or 
> pressure-contact 
> >connection. 
> I agree. Hospital grade outlets are a good thing. But buy 
> them without MOVs.
> 73,
> Jim Brown K9YC
> _______________________________________________
> 160 meters is a serious band, it should be treated with 
> respect. - TF4M

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