Topband: Trees And RF - Suggested Test

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Tue Nov 3 12:50:00 PST 2009

To heck with the tests!

If I had a 120 foot tall tree in my backyard I would hang a 3 or 4 wire 
cage around it from top to bottom.  The tree would not bother you much 
but the cage sure would do its job in providing a good broadband and 
efficient radiator.  At RF the tree wet or dry  would have a minimal 
impact on the radiation pattern but do its job by supporting the 
radiation cage for you.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

> On 11/3/2009 11:36 AM, Ward Silver wrote:
>> I suggest the following tests to be done by someone else than me...any of which could give us some anecdotal evidence about trees and RF, at least.

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