Topband: Trees And RF Poem

Wes Attaway (N5WA) wesattaway at
Wed Nov 4 07:36:58 PST 2009

Herb..... That is a good poem.  Well done.

All of my antennas are now wires in trees.  Trees are good.

I may reprint that poem in fancy type and hang it on my wall. 

------------------ Wes Attaway (N5WA) ------------------
1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106
    318-797-4972 (office) - 318-393-3289 (cell)
        Computer Consulting and Forensics
-------------- EnCase Certified Examiner ---------------
-----Original Message-----
From: topband-bounces at [mailto:topband-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Herb Schoenbohm
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 9:18 AM
To: Dan Zimmerman N3OX
Cc: topband at
Subject: Topband: Trees And RF Poem

With some credit to Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918) "Trees" I ad the following:

I think that I shall never see     
A metal tower as lovely as a tree.     
A tree whose is high at least     
For antennas to break the pile up beast     
A tree that looks out for hams all day            
working DX for which they pray;     
A tree that may in summer wear     
Many wires in the air;     
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;     
Without reducing my antenna gain.     
Such poems are made by fools like me,     
But only hams know how to use a tree.    


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

P.S. My name in German means "Beautiful Tree".....the "bohm" is the same 
as "baum" in NE Germany so I just could not resist.

160 meters is a serious band, it should be treated with respect. - TF4M

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