Topband: Real RST

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Wed Nov 4 14:29:37 PST 2009

Since my K3 now has a firmware device to calibrate the s-meter and rf gain
so that the S units are factual, I've been sending Sn for signal reports out
of the noise outside of contests.  S3 is 36 db below 50 uV.  S9/15  is 15 db
over 50 uV.  Contests of course are 59 or 599.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:13 PM, <Cqtestk4xs at> wrote:

> In a message dated 11/4/2009 4:30:43 PM Greenwich Standard Time,
> mstangelo at writes:
> Apparently, there is an unwritten rule to send 59 or 599 instead of
> realistic reports. Besides being meaningless this is noise because it
> doesn't
> convey any information.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I am an industrial strength contester.  Automatic 59905  has not always
> been this way, and I still get an occasional 57905 and dutifully  log it as
> such.  However, I don't think they log checkers even look at  the RST
> anymore.
> Agreed, the RST is pretty meaningless, but you have to  know that if you
> are running a 200+ hour you have a good signal, and if it took  15 minutes
> to
> break a pileup on a 9Q5 your signal is not really 599.  The  automatic 599
> increases the rates especially in CQWW where the zone is almost  automatic
> (unless you are running W/K)...and rate is what most contesters  love.
> It's pretty much the same for DXpeditions too, every one is  599.  Although
> not big DX I try to pass out real RSTs when running daily  pileups.  I
> guess this is not always common practice since sometimes guys  will ask for
> "real RST" when I give a 599.
> Bill KH7XS/K4XS
>  _______________________________________________
> 160 meters is a serious band, it should be treated with respect. - TF4M

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