Topband: 160 SSB by DXpeditions

Chris G3SVL Chris at
Thu Nov 5 00:42:36 PST 2009

At 02:15 05/11/2009, N7DF wrote:
>It would be nice if more DXpeditions would schedule some 160 SSB

When we were on the 3B7C DX-pedition we had a lot of requests for SSB 
on 160m - and those request grew with time. So we announced a system 
of going to SSB at the top of every (propagation) hour and committing 
to stay there for at least 5 minutes. QRN some nights meant we worked 
no one in those first 5 mins. We generally limited the total time on 
SSB as it was such hard going.  Its essential of course not to be on 
SSB when a narrow opening to one part of the globe is possible.

We found there were quite a few big signal SSB-only topband DX'ers. 
But we received complaints from those who were still trying to get us 
on any mode - they felt we were just giving a new mode to an existing 
CW QSo'er.

You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the 
people all of the  ..... etc. etc.

73 Chris, G3SVL

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