Topband: TX3A this morning

Jim Brown jim at
Thu Nov 5 10:37:45 PST 2009

On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 09:17:50 -0700, Art wrote:

>It seemed to me TX3A was having receive troubles just like we 

The problem was VERY deep QSB, more rapid than we are used to on 
160M. Here in Santa Cruz, he was 599 on peaks, 339 or less on 
dips. When I called (my call twice) he was strong, he gave me a 
report, and by the time I was sending his report QSB had nulled 
the path so that he didn't even hear me. He sent K9YC?, was in 
the mud here, I repeated his report a couple of times, and 
signals were back up by the time he acknowledged it. All this 
happening very quickly. 

He also had bad QRN, and took a one hour QSY to 80M around 10Z.


Jim K9YC

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