Topband: [Re: LBM]

Garry Shapiro garry at
Thu Nov 5 21:08:04 PST 2009

I took the liberty of telling Steve/Lance K0CS about the questions 
raised on this list about the Lowband Monitor. Here is his reply.

Garry, NI6T

Thank you - please circulate the following message with my permission.
73, Lance

FINALLY ARRIVED - After publishing the monthly newsletter, the LOW BAND 
MONITOR for 16 years, my goal has finally been realized. I am now a 
thread on the Top Band Reflector.

EMAIL ADDRESS - Anyone with any specific questions / suggestions about 
the LOW BAND MONITOR is free to contact me at:    lance at

WHAT HAPPENED - If you recall, I announced in the previous newsletter 
that I was making progress from a fall on ice, that damaged my right 
ankle. A few weeks after that pronouncement, I had the misfortune of 
falling through my "rustic" deck and extruding my left knee through the 
lumber. If you are old enough to remember Walter Brennan in "The Real 
McCoys" - that's a good day for me - skipping around Elbert County, like 
an old coot. On a bad day, I am like Hugh Laurie in "House", without the 
intellect and at a very low energy level.

PLAN - I am working on the prior seasons awards mailing and have a LOW 
BAND MONITOR issue in the works. I have no plans to cease operations at 
this time. As a low band enthusiast, I am actually missing my own 
newsletter and will endeavor to get the production process going again 
this month.

73, Steve Gecewicz - K0CS (dba:: Lance Johnson)
PUBLISHER - Low Band Monitor

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