Topband: overposting

Jim Brown jim at
Mon Nov 9 12:08:21 PST 2009

>I think Craig's point is that overposting to a digest email causes you
>to repost the entire digest.  In this case bottom posting would
>hopefully force the poster to edit out the extraneous digest text.

Nothing FORCES you to repost the entire message (or the digest). It 
takes LAZINESS and STUPIDITY to do that. I've used several email 
programs, and while some insisted on copying the entire message, they 
all allowed me to erase it before pushing send. The program I use 
(PMMail) allows me to highlight the text I want to quote and 
automatically deletes the rest from the reply. 

That said, most email software (including PMMail) automatically top-
posts if it encounters html. I have PMMail set to send only plain text, 
but it keeps html if it receives html. 

I find it interesting that many guys who can complete a contest 
exchange in 10 seconds and use cut numbers to save a few dashes can't 
figure out how not to fill the mailboxes of 1,000 list-members with 
pages upon pages of extraneous crap. 

Do we have to name names to get this repeating of entire emails to 
stop? I'll begin with K2AV, W0FLS, VE9AA, WD3C, KD4RBG, N1WR, and the 
champ, Craig Clark, who complains about overposting, but posted two 
sentences and quoted the entire digest. 

On another list I've read for years, we had a member who refused to 
learn to edit out all that extraneous crap, and the moderator finally 
took him off the list until he reformed his ways. A few weeks later he 
did, and was welcomed back. 


Jim K9YC

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