Topband: overposting

Dan Zimmerman N3OX n3ox at
Mon Nov 9 13:43:49 PST 2009

> A little mental effort and some polite reminders by members on the list
> might be a better start on a 'fix' than for us to urge that the
> "obergruppenfuhrer" make all decisions.

I disagree.

Moderated lists are moderated for a reason.

The time delay adds much needed damping ... it's harder
to get caught up in a thread if you see one message per
day with that subject line.  It doesn't seem like "everyone" is talking
about it.

The moderation allows outright rejection of things that will just stir up a
flurry of activity, angry or poorly though out responses, or that are simply

are of limited actual interest to the overall subscribers, or whatever.

Now, moderation is a giant amount of work.  I absolutely understand if it
will not work out for Tree.

I cannot at this time volunteer to help.   Maybe some others could.

It might even be interesting, if technically difficult, to have pure peer
moderation where
each message in the moderation queue be sent to a single  random member of
the list who
would decide whether it was worthy of general interest.  Even one other pair
of eyes probably
would be enough.

Not everyone has something useful or worthwhile to say every time they click
And no one of us has perfect judgment that allows them to see if what
they're posting is
overall useful and worthwhile.  I was very surprised when I received my
first rejection from "moderated Topband" ... kind of
woke me up... and I was like "hmm, yeah, that's actually not a very useful
thing to send to everyone"

There will ALWAYS be a major difference in signal to noise ratio between a
moderated reflector and an unmoderated one.

Our collective self-restraint will never be sufficient.


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