Topband: Electrical height of short shunt fed tower?
Jon Zaimes AA1K
jz73 at
Tue Nov 10 05:37:17 PST 2009
Anecdotal: In the 1980s, I had a 100-foot Rohn 25 shunt-fed tower with
200 radials. On top was a 204BA (4-el Hy Gain 20m yagi). The mast
extended 12 feet above that. Later when I added a 4-el 15-meter Wilson
yagi (17-foot boom) at 112 feet, there was no change in the shunt tuning
needed or in the SWR. Perhaps if the higher antenna had been larger than
the lower there would have been a difference.
73/Jon AA1K
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Mike & Coreen Smith <ve9aa at>wrote:
>> Hi Gang,
>> Some folks mentioned that the top yagi is not "seen" on my short tower if I
>> should shunt feed it.
>> Is there any proof of that? Papers? EZNEC? Anecdotal evidence etc? (like
>> you
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