Topband: A plea for antenna help from a fledgling 160m Op!

Edward Swynar gswynar at
Thu Nov 12 10:13:43 PST 2009

On 11th November, Phil wrote:

"...Whilst others claim as many radials as you can muster is the best way
forward - regardless of antenna format..."



I really & truly believe that we collectively do a great dis-service to
newcomers on 160 by constantly & resolutely proclaiming that "...more is
better" when it comes to ground radials.

While the importance of a "...good ground" is historically (and in practical
terms) well documented and critical, it is equally true that "compromise"
radial fields can also work. There is a very nice, concise summary on the
entire subject of "" in newer

It serves as a very worthwhile guide, & essentially takes the premise that
(A) you have "X" number of feet of radial wire available, and (B) to
maximize effectiveness they should be "X" fractions of a wavelength long,
and (C) you should a total of "X" radials of this length.

Nothing can be more discouraging to a newbie, I think, than to be simply
told that "...the more radials, the better". PERIOD. It is simply not true
that we all need to have a rich uncle who own Chilean copper mine in order
to be successful with our low-band antennas, and the table listed in the
ARRL book is one that I think offers hope & promise to the majority of
topband users.

In essence. it shows you how to get the most, out of what you might have.

If you'd like, I'll did-up that table, & maybe scan it for you...just let me

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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