Topband: Power Line Noise (long)

Don Moman VE6JY ve6jy.1 at
Thu Nov 26 14:22:56 PST 2009

I know of two types of noise (there may be others) that typically generate
low frequency noise and their sprectra into the VHF and UHF ranges are quite
limited - a micro arc inside a transformer and the classic "staple thru the
ground wire" issue that sounds like what you may have.  If the staple cuts
thru the insulation and touches the ground wire it can be a significant
noise generator on the low bands.   I'd say you have already located the
pole, now you just have to remove the offending staple.... the one I found
was at convenient chest high height.  The utility RFI person said this was
pretty common as it only takes an extra energetic tap on the staple to cut
thru the insulation.  They should be loose enough that you can (with effort)
slide the ground wire slightly up and down the pole which is what will
happen on a smaller scale as the temperature changes.

73 Don

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Mike Waters W0BTU <mrscience65704 at
> wrote:

> > From: Brad Anbro <n9en at>
> > Subject: Topband: Power Line Noise (long)
> > To: "TOPBAND" <topband at>
> > Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 5:27 AM
> [snip]
> > If anyone has any ideas on how I can pin-point the
> > exact source of the noise, I would sure appreciate
> > the information. Thank you in advance.

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