Topband: Feedline BOG effect
Herb Schoenbohm
herbs at
Wed Oct 14 06:03:29 PDT 2009
Joe, W4TV recently gave some great insight on the reduction of noise
pickup caused by the coax feeding a Beverage leading from the feed point
to the shack. I have used several methods of winding RG6 on large
ferrite rings and even have to a Ameritron RCS-4 switch with a double
ferrite core with a ground in between per ON4UN's book With 10
Beverages I am running out of good large Ferrite Rings and resorted even
to large solenoid spools of RG-6 which according to W8JI's comparisons
really is not as perfered as other methods. .....I wonder if there is a
simple solution that some one has the equipment to test. This would
consist of doubling back to the Beverage transformer starting point the
RG-6 parallel to the run to the shack and then looping back to the
shack. No ground anywhere except at the antenna switch. If the
distance to the shack is, let say 200 feet, then the total length would
be 600 feet of coax laying side by side either cable ties or taped
together at reasonable intervals. My question is: Would this not
provide some worthwhile random pickup cancellation by somewhat
mitigating the BOG effect found on single runs?
Just a thought and hoping that someone has some words on this idea.
Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
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