Topband: K4M 160m

Wed Oct 21 00:44:39 PDT 2009

I think the major difference is FT5GA had inexperienced operators while K4M had a lot of great operators.
I cannot understand when K4M worked a West EU station they didn't QRX the pile up for a few minutes to listen for West EU but they didn't, they just went back to the US/JA pile up. Same story on 80m. 
We had  made them aware of the short window at s/r (40 min) available to us.
Nevertheless thanks for being there guys.
Oh and by the way I never worked FT5GA on 160m and you will find very few West EU did either. They had only 6 UK QSOs on 160m.
Be happy and CU on 160m
73 Rob GM3YTS

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