Topband: Next to 9G ghana
Alfeo Caputo
alfeohjt at
Mon Oct 26 10:22:53 PDT 2009
Dear topband enthusiasts
We are close to our departure data to Ghana.
Please visit our web page
We know the country is not on the top rank in the most wanted for HF
bands but we think there is enough interest for low bands to have fun
being there.
We would like to focus part of our activity on 160m, we will set 1
station with a K3, a battle creek antenna for 80 - 160, 1KW amplifier.
We are not aware about the possibility to set large receiving antennas,
we will bring with us enough stuff to erect EWE, K9AY and, possibly,
We don't know yet how internet connection will be there, I recommend you
to relay to our pilot forum
We will be in contact with him daily, at least.
Any suggestion on the best time, operating modality etc. is welcome,
please post it to above forum.
Hoping to have all of you in log on 160,
Alfeo I1HJT
9G5TT & 9G5XX crew
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