Topband: qsling

Herbert Schoenbohm herbs at
Sat Oct 31 10:44:50 PDT 2009

Glenn Wyant wrote:
> If they hadnt made it so secure , then I'm sure many folks
> would find that ,  a great topic to bitch about as well.
> Glenn VA3DX
> Subject: Re: Topband: qsling
> Glen,

The LOTW process may be secure for the ARRL's purpose but the CC 
payments are not. Especially for those who use proxy servers as there 
only way they can connect to the internet in some locations you are 
taking a chance.   For those who use proxy severs overseas this can be 
problem.  I just wish the ARRL would accept Pay Pal which many 
Dx-Peditions rely on for donations.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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