Topband: k9ay loop

Craig D. Smith craig at
Fri Sep 4 20:36:20 PDT 2009

<> is anyone aware of a kit for building this k9ay loop system, other than
<> AS.  i just can't see putting out almost $400 for a relay and an xfmr  !

Far Circuits sells a basic kit for $48.  It includes two PCBs, one for the
remote switch unit and one for the in-shack preamp and controller, along
with the PCB mounted components.  I used this as the foundation when I built
my K9AY array and I am quite pleased with the performance.  A couple of
notes, however:

I don't really need the preamp or bandpass filter with my K3, and seldom use
either.  So added a switch to bypass it when desired.  If your receiver is
prone to overload, the filter is good to have.  You can configure the upper
frequency cutoff to occur either above 80 meters or above 40 meters.  I also
included an extra switch and remote relay to bypass the terminating
resistors to obtain a "pure" loop, if desired.  

If you search the web you can find good sources of information and
schematics.  If I remember correctly, K9AY's website is one place to go.

I made a fairly "deluxe" looking unit with nice cabinet, knobs and switches
and a rotary LED display of beam heading.  Turned out great, but be
forewarned that the cost of buying all the additional parts, enclosures,
coax and control cable, common-mode filtering, etc. etc. adds up pretty
quickly.  And, if you value your time at all, the AS price turns out not to
be that unreasonable.  But it was a fun and satisfying project and one that
I use daily.  

My K9AY is about 2/3 of the standard size but still works very well from BCB
up through 20 meters.  The F/B is over 20 dB through 80 meters and still
very useable on 40 and 30.  

           ... Craig  AC0DS

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