Topband: What the heck?

n4is n4is at
Wed Sep 16 14:13:22 PDT 2009

>All day long on 1846.5 is  a 
station sending RA9 and then a three second carrier.  Sunset is  approaching
and <<

Hi Bill 

That's a new one for me, those things are fishing buoys, they are all over
the places making huge QRM on several important DX frequencies, like 1818,
1824, 1828 1830 1831 etc, so avoid .00, and use 1818.3 as example.

This issue is becoming more and more a concern, I was thinking about a new
certificate WAB, work all buoys, ....but we really need to find a way to
stop those products in our bands, those things are trashing TB as never


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