Topband: electrically shortening a tall grounded tower

DAVID CUTHBERT telegrapher9 at
Sun Sep 27 07:58:51 PDT 2009


rather than using a series hi-Z (trap) to decouple the upper portion of the
tower a low-Z shunt element can be used.

At the 130' point a loaded 'radial' sysatem of sorts is attached. An example
is two 25' aluminum tubes extending horizontally and 180 degrees apart. A
loading coil is used to resonate them. The tower is now fed at the junction
between the loaded 'radials' and the tower. The current distribution on
the tower portion from GND to the 130' point is reversed; that is, the
current is maximum at the elevated feedpoint and minimum at GND.

      Dave WX7G

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Bob Kupps <n6bk at> wrote:

> Hi
> Is there any effective way to electrically shorten a tall grounded tower to
> 1/4 wave? I tried modeling a 1/4 wave cage surrounding the tower but it
> still shows a lot of current in the protruding section with resulting high
> angle radiation. Then I tried modeling a 1/4 wave stub above the cage
> grounded at the top to the central tower which appeared to turn it into a
> dipole and still significant current above the stub. I was also thinking of
> using an external parallel resonant trap/choke but would this actually work
> when situated at a zero current point at the far end of a 1/4 wave monopole?
> Thanks and 73 Bob N6BK/HS0ZIA
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