Topband: relay-switched inverted L for 40/80/160

wa5pok at wa5pok at
Wed Sep 30 18:02:19 PDT 2009

> A 160 meter inverted L can be used quite successfully on 80 and 40. 
> The reason for its non-popularity on the higher bands is that there is
> no handy-dandy premade MFJ box to tune it, and you can't feed it
> directly with coax.
I thoroughly agree with Guy, well described, and this was my work-
around. I used an open wire feed line to my 160 inverted "L." It 
worked great through a tuner on 80 and 40 but as Guy stated it is a 
low z feed on 160 and the open wire concept is out the window on 
that band. I installed a relay at the feed point and switched feed 
lines. Open wire and the tuner on 80/40/30 (Yes, it works darn well 
on 30 too!) was switched in and then coax feed switched in for 160. 

73, Mike WA5POK

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