Topband: skirt-feed vs short gamma feed

Gary Nichols kd9sv at
Wed Apr 21 05:31:52 PDT 2010

Hi guys,  this past season I added Lee's K7TJR 4 square receiving system to
my station.  I am on one acre and the 4 square is located 80 feet west of my
70ft shunt-fed free-standing tower.  The gamma rod I feed the tower with is
only 27feet high but still works quite well on 160 meters.  With the new
receive system the tower is destroying the pattern especially when looking
NE or SE but it still seems to hear pretty well in the NW and SW directions
looking away from the tower. 


 After talking to Goose, W8AV I am following his advice to install a 3 drop
wire de-tuning system to eliminate the interaction between the tower and RX
system.  My question for the group is:  If I choose to use the de-tuning
skirt for a transmit feed system instead of the short gamma rod system can I
expect to see any improvement in my transmit signal?  I know the gamma works
well and has over 100khz 1.5:1 bandwidth so as they say "if it aint broke
don't fix it"  I will be able to use either the gamma or de-tuning skirt for
transmitting.  Perhaps others in this group have "been there done that" and
could offer their opinion. 


Thanks in advance, de gary, kd9sv 

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