Topband: ARRL 160m Contest

kd6nrp at kd6nrp at
Fri Dec 3 09:49:30 PST 2010

Good Morning:

My 160m work began on 2009 December 9, so I missed the last year's ARRL 160m contest.

This weekend will be my first such contest. I look forward to working as any of you as possible this weekend on top band with my cloud warmer antenna.

By the way, I noticed that there is sometimes long-range medium wave broadcast station reception during the day this time of year.

Therefore, I will may try calling CQ between sunrise and sunset at the start of the hour on 1818.0 (primary) and 1808.0 (alternate) KHz.

Thus far I have worked approximately 125 different stations on 160m from a 50 x 50 foot (16.4 x 16.4m) suburban back yard in an antenna restricted neighborhood. The TX power was 100W or less.


Brian, KD6NRP

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