Topband: The Stew Perry TopBand Challenge v15

Lew Sayre w7ew at
Tue Dec 7 21:56:35 PST 2010

TopBanders, Contesters, DXers and lesser forms,
      The Boring Amateur Radio Club is announcing yet again, to those who
care, that the 15th running of the Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge will
commence at 1500Z Dec 18 and cease 24 hours later. You may participate in up
to 14 hours of the contest if you wish to follow the rules. Following
the usual applicable laws of propagation The Club suggests you operate those
14 hours while it is dark outside as the longish radio waves seem to go
further on 160M when it is mostly or all dark outside. If you don't want to
follow the rules then you are a TopBand scofflaw and your mother is probably
embarrassed by you.
     You should navigate to:    and read
all the wondrous information there about rules and plaque sponsors and other
cool stuff. You'll find that The Stew Perry TopBand Extravaganza uses a
distance based scoring mnemonic to score your efforts. Someday all rational
contests will use a similar way to judge contesting efforts. It's pretty
simple. If you work a station that is a long way away from your station then
will get more points for that contact than for working a neighbor who
receives you on his radio and loose fillings to boot.
     Please examine the 2010 plaques sponsored page also. Here you'll find
the calls of the Stalwarts who sponsor plaques for certain categories for
amazing feats of radio performed legally during the contesting time period.
 Also listed for the magnanimous donors is whether or not The Club  has
received the $55 necessary, since remembering whether or not you've sent in
a check can be daunting.  You can join this select group of plaque
sponsors by notifying me at the email address below of the category you'd
like to sponsor.  Plaques pertaining to prurient or base accomplishments
will probably not make it through The Club screening process.
    Listed below are the smart donors who care about sponsoring a category
for The Stew Perry.

Donor                             Category
KL7RA                           Highest number of QSOs
KL7RA                           A heroic Act to be determined
W2GD Contest Team      Top Score Multi-Multi- World
TF3KX                            Aurora Borealis (Top Score > 60deg N.
                                        geomagnetic latitude
W7KF                            Oldest Operator making > 50 QSOs
KB7Q                             Top Score QRP- World
SP4K                              Being cogitated upon
N5IA                               Most Grids Worked
KH6LC                           "VK-ZL Challenge" Top Score VK-ZL
KR2Q                             Golden Log Award
AE6RF                           Top Score Portable Location (Field
                                        Day type of Operation)
N0TT                              Youngest USA Op > 50 QSOs
K7FL                              Top Score 100% S & P
K1EP                              Top Score from a Lonely grid
K6ND                             "K6SE Award"  Top Score World
N7UA                              Top Score High Power
N9ADG                            Top Score Asia
NA0Y                               Top Score USA
N7JW                               Top Score JA
K7CA                               Top Score Zones 17,18,22,23
F8BPN                             Top Score Low Power Europe
WA5GVI                           Top Score from W6
W7RH                               World longest QSO Low Power
W0UCE                             Top Score USA/SO/Low Power/Single wire
                                         for Tx-Rx
VK6VZ                              Highest no. of S. Hemisphere stations
                                        by station in N. hemisphere. Wins a
Royal Flying
Doctors of Australia cap rather than a plaque.

     The plaques for the winners for the 2009 Stew Perry have been sent out
by priority mail and should have found their new homes by now. I'm sure the
have already thanked the sponsors as operators on 160M, especially for The
Stew Perry, are a cultured and gracious lot. Our fearless logchecker has
posted the results of the Pre-Stew warmup to the reflectors.
     We understand that the holidays are very close to The Stew Perry
TopBand Challenge but good things happen at the end of the year.  Do your
chores, fulfill
those obligations now or earnestly promise  to do so later so that you can
participate in this contest.
     Spend 10-15 minutes every day doing CW to improve your abilities. When
you do this at work you'll look very smart and intense and will probably
the prospects for a raise or promotion.
    There will be further emissions from The Boring Amateur Radio Club
regarding this great contest before the starting tick is tocked.
     73 and I remain,
    Lew    W7EW
    The Boring Amateur Radio Club Expounder
    w7ew at

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