Topband: The Stew is about Ready

Lew Sayre w7ew at
Fri Dec 17 21:31:10 PST 2010

Ladies, Gentlemen and Children of the TopBand,
    In a few hours the 15th running of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge
will commence. We hope that you
will take up paddle and key and join in the game. The purpose of this
contest sponsored by The Boring Amateur
Radio Club is to have fun with the radio on a very special band. If your
idea of fun is 5 watts into your house gutters
with a straight key then that is great! If your idea of fun is using all
available forms of technology with a dash of radio
thrown in then that is also great! We just ask that you be honest in
describing your contest functioning in the soapbox
section when you submit a log. The rules and peer pressure help to keep the
majority of contesters playing the game
fairly. All members of The Boring Amateur Radio Club believe that the
operator and the operating skills displayed by the
operator are paramount.  This is reflected by the rules for the contest for
which we sponsor.
      The rules live at
     The Stew Perry Test has a group of contesters who understand the value
of sponsoring a plaque for certain radio
accomplishments. These smart and handsome individuals volunteer the category
and then pay $55 for the production
and shipping of a beautiful plaque to the winner of that particular
category.  You can join this august group of forward
thinking operators by thinking up a category you'd like to see emphasized,
emailing me and then following the directions.

     The 2010 Plaque Sponsors for The Stew Perry Contest
Donor                             Category
KL7RA                           Highest number of QSOs
KL7RA                           A heroic Act to be determined
W2GD Contest Team      Top Score Multi-Multi- World
TF3KX                            Aurora Borealis (Top Score > 60deg N.
                                       geomagnetic latitude
W7KF                            Oldest Operator making > 50 QSOs
KB7Q                             Top Score QRP- World
SP4K                              Top Score somewhere/somehow
N5IA                               Most Grids Worked
KH6LC                           "VK-ZL Challenge" Top Score VK-ZL
KR2Q                             Golden Log Award
AE6RF                           Top Score Portable Location (Field
                                       Day type of Operation)
N0TT                              Youngest USA Op > 50 QSOs
K7FL                              Top Score 100% S & P
K1EP                              Top Score by YL or XYL Op
K6ND                             "K6SE Award"  Top Score World
N7UA                              Top Score High Power
N9ADG                            Top Score Asia
NA0Y                               Top Score USA
N7JW                               Top Score JA
K7CA                               Top Score Zones 17,18,22,23
F8BPN                             Top Score Low Power Europe
WA5VGI                           Top Score from W6
W7RH                               World longest QSO Low Power
W0UCE                             Top Score USA/SO/Low Power/Single wire
                                        for Tx-Rx
K9DX                                Top Score Europe
Horned Toad Acres            Top Score Central/South America
Wireless Assoc.
VK6VZ                              Highest no. of S. Hemisphere stations
contacted  by station in N. hemisphere. Wins a
Royal Flying  Doctors of Australia cap rather than a plaque.

      Review this list and consider if you may qualify for one of these
beauties. If so, be sure to mention that fact in the soapbox part
of your log submittal.  We appreciate the feedback and suggestions and
criticisms that go with sponsoring a unique radio contest.
Just remember we're not trying to attain world peace or solve hunger or
defeat all disease here. We're just trying to produce a fun radio
contest during our "spare time" called The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge
where a lot of radio operators can meet on TopBand,
compete fairly.....and have a little fun.
     See you in The Stew in a few hours!
     73 and I remain,
     Lew   W7EW
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club Word Czar
     w7ew at

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