Topband: Some confusion regarding EZNEC results on horizontal loops

Mark Lunday mlunday at
Wed Dec 22 13:14:09 PST 2010

Happy Holidays to all;

I am using EZNEC v5, simulating a full wave horizontal loop on 160 meters,
square shape, fed in the middle of one of the four sides, height is low to
the ground (5 feet up).

If I use EZNEC real ground, ground type MININEC, it shows an
omni-directional pattern resembling a quarter wave vertical pattern shape,
with unrealistic gain (on the order of +13dBi) at 37 degrees.

If I use EZNEC real ground, high accuracy ground, it shows the same pattern
shape but with the opposite result of an unrealistic gain of MINUS 8.91 dbi
at 37 degrees.

My intuition says it should have been perpendicular to the plane of the
horizontal antenna, basically NVIS.

I am curious to hear opinions/feedback on the following:

1.	What is the actual performance?
2.	Why the stark difference with the different ground model selections


Mark Lunday

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