Topband: Any ideas on the legal outcome here?

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Tue Dec 28 09:50:44 PST 2010

> In my 16 years as an amateur radio operator, this is one of the only lawsuits I’ve seen that might effect a significant product geared towards top band-
> 73  Paul  N0AH


This patent tort case is truly unfortunate in so much as it will have a 
tendency to stifle the great amateur spirit of sharing ideas, open 
experimentation and innovation.  When you can't openly participate in 
the limited amateur radio market without fear of being beaten to down by 
a powerful law firm, there will be fewer items in the market place to 
choose from.

I remember back when Art Collins and Parker Gates shared ideas and 
technology even though they were competitors in the broadcast market.  
Both were hams and kept that spirit in their companies.  Today it is all 
predator policy where a company can patent a small metal box, with some 
F connectors and three wings nuts, and a couple of toroids and offer it 
on the market for $150...and get that price by threatening to sue any 
competition.  The long term result is a collapse of our hobby market 
structure where only the wealthy can afford to buy anything to augment 
their ham shack.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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