Topband: Receiving antennas

w8uvz w8uvz at
Tue Jan 12 10:20:24 PST 2010

Hello Josep

> Hi all,
> and many thanks for all the direct replays I get about Receiving 
> antennas..
> I would like to know about the 2el end fire-array. In ON4UN's book looks 
> like a very good receiving antenna, so I am interested in people that has 
> biuld (or bought it), about their experiences in building and results.. 
> Looks more complex, but also results are more impressive that simple EWEs, 
> Deltas, etc...

I use for EU rx, a 2 el phased (one wvl) beverage system.  It is end fire 
phased.  Is this what you are wanting to know about?

I also have a tx array that is good on rx too.  But the end fire rx phased 
beverage system is usually better at digging out weaker EU sigs than the tx 
array is.

Not difficult to build.  Needs abt 240m of open area (long way) and just 8 m 
(or less) spacing.

I have tried feeding it conventionally (like ON4UN book) and "crossfire" as 
W8JI suggests.  I can't tell any difference on top band between these two 

Does this help?

73  George  W8UVZ
> Thaks again for support,
> Josep
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