Topband: Fw: The 500 Foot Beverage

Les Kalmus w2lk at
Fri Jul 9 14:30:55 PDT 2010


I have. I can give you only anecdotal results since I have not measured 
it in any way.

As far as I can tell, it works as well with 450 ohm ladder line as the 
home brew version I use with 12" parallel wires or vice verse.
My home brew version is impedance matched for the spacing and height and 
the DXE version is matched for the 450 ohm ladder line at similar heights.

Neither version seems to work quite as well as the original home brew 
single wire version I started with and both suffer somewhat reduced 
signal strength in the reverse direction.

Other than that, it's a quick and easy way to get a reversible beverage 
up and running with little hassle.

Les W2LK

On 7/9/2010 12:04 AM, Dave Harmon wrote:
> Has anyone tried the DX Engineering reversible 2 wire Beverage?
> I think this is a W8JI design.
> Yes, I know they are expensive and I can make one a lot cheaper but if
> anyone can compare actual performance I would like to hear about it.
> Thanks....
> Regards
> Dave Harmon
> K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net
> Sperry, Ok.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: topband-bounces at [mailto:topband-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Bruce
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 7:32 PM
> To: Topband at
> Subject: Topband: Fw: The 500 Foot Beverage
>   I think the white color is visible&  they just step over it.
>> Performance is quite good, With storms in the area, it often hears better
>> than my 6 element array>
>> Brian  K8BHZ
> It's difficult to beat a properly terminated Beverage. I have one that is
> between knee and hip height. Works like a champ.
> Think you are right about visibility to Deer. VK6LK put me on to using
> Round-up, and Deer collisions stopped. Also makes antenna inspections easy.
> 73
> Bruce
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