Topband: 4 square on sidehill

Mike Waters W0BTU mrscience65704 at
Wed Jul 21 23:32:40 PDT 2010


The first thing that comes to mind is putting them all on the same plane, and using an elevated radial system at the bottom of that plane.

Mike Waters

> From: Lew Sayre <w7ew at>
> Subject: Topband: 4 square on sidehill
> To: topband at
> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 2:54 PM
> I'm pondering putting up a 4 square.
> An early problem would be the effect of
> having the bases of each element at a different elevation
> relative to each
> other. The QTH is on the top of a ridge so the bottom of
> each element could
> be as much as 10-20 feet different in elevation. 
> Would this seriously screw
> up the efficiency of a 4 square? a little? a lot? I know
> that the radiation
> into the hill will be hurt but what about the other
> directions? Ridge runs
> about 330-150 deg.
>     Just trying to reason this through a bit
> before putting serious wire
> in/on the ground.


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