Topband: wire on the ground antenna

Bruce k1fz at
Thu Jul 29 10:37:20 PDT 2010

Have been experimenting with BOG antennas. They are cranky to get going. 
They have a velocity factor of +- .5
When mine was too long,  I was hearing an LU station and everything else was 
30 db down.  I shortened it twice ending up at .5  it started acting 
somewhat like a Beverage.  If "way too long" the antenna can reverse 
 It had a strange reactance bump at 4.5 MHZ and  found it was caused by an 
old, in ground, iron water pipe from some bygone era.  Sweeping frequencies 
to get the correct termination, I found that the dew on the grass caused a 
some shift.
Ground conductivity may be a known value, but in some locations it can vary 
along the length of an antenna.

A preamp is a must as the gain is low.

A standard Beverage antenna is a poor transmitting antenna. The on ground 
Beverage would be very poor for transmitting. Talk about ground losses.

Anyone can not have too many receive antennas.  Found I could copy a DX 
station on the BOG with an approaching thunderstorm when there was no copy 
on other antennas that included standard Beverages.


 Does the panel think hocus pocus,or is there some truth in the design.

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