Joel Harrison w5zn at
Thu Jul 29 12:03:08 PDT 2010


One point of clarification about my comment. It was specific to the 8
vertical RX array that Bob and I wrote about and was constructed at W5ZN.
The elements were light aluminum tubing (1.25" dia) and each vertical also
has four top hat wires that, aside from providing top loading, also serves
as guys.

I don't expect it to be a problem given my experience with the two permanent
arrays I have erected. But, as I noted in my post, one of this nature has
not yet been tried so much is yet to be learned!


On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Mr Magoo <magoo at> wrote:

> Regarding W5ZN's post about making an RX antenna "portable" using a mast
> supported in a bucket of cement: I tried that trick a few years ago when I
> used to string Beverages out across my neighbour's field.  I poured cement
> in 20 gallon paint pails with a 10 ft mast....pretty heavy to move but I
> got
> them in place with the aid of my tractor.  First strong wind storm took the
> whole lot of them down and I had to guy each one to keep it in place.  It
> was a lot easier to drive in a T post and place a length of plastic pipe
> over top.
> I think that any antenna installed this way in cement would have to be very
> light (fiberglass poles) and not too long (less than 20 ft) to prevent
> tipping in strong winds.
> Bill VE3NH
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73 Joel W5ZN

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