Topband: 3 element array

W7RH midnight18 at
Wed Jun 16 20:33:51 PDT 2010


We had QSO in Winter of 2007 and obviously conditions were quite good at 
solar minimum. In our qso I was running 100W and using a 3 element 
end-fire array which is of parasitic origin. I have several hundred EU 
QSOs in the log at 100W power level from my AZ QTH.

There is no need for fancy phasing networks, matching networks, 
combiners/circulators and dummy loads for reflected energy. N6RK and 
K3LR are correct. The parasitic arrays may not have the ultimate front 
to back ratio without careful tuning however their real world 
performance in gain is within a few tenths of a db of theoretical and 
can be done with considerably shorter elements provided the antenna is 
top loaded by wire , either in a "T" or "V" configuration, the driven 
element is matched by a low loss un-un transformer, base loaded tuning 
coil losses are kept to a minimum by using silver plated or large 
diameter copper tubing and finally by putting a major effort into the 
ground system with 64 or more radials under each element. Spacing is not 
a major factor, however I would keep spacing near 1/4 wave to minimize 
dramatic impedance swings on the driven element, especially in the case 
of going single element OMNI mode. I have measured individual element 
currents and found them to be very much so in the area of expected values.

With old Sol coming back to life it will take some major effort in 
antenna work to get the desired results. The parasitc arrays provide a 
way to be cost and performance effective.


Bob, W7RH


Bob Kile, W7RH
“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”

Will Rogers

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