Topband: Spam: Magic Antenna Land

Chortek, Robert L Robert.Chortek at
Tue Mar 2 08:28:59 PST 2010

Val, N4RJ Wrote:

Should Oval..
1) Connect his Ground rod in salt water to his radials
2) Use radials only and forget his Ground rod
3) Start building a new linear using a 3cx3000A7 or greater
4) Prepare for his 5th Divorce due to excessive hamming and obsessions
5) Perform a do-it-Yourself Vasectomy to prevent a possible Oval, Jr
6) Forget it all together


While I am no antenna guru, it is generally accepted that salt water is
an excellent conductor and provides an excellent ground for a vertical.
Only a few radials (as few as one or two) in or over salt water will
perform very well.  So, it would seem that you would do well with or
without the ground rod. Having said that, connecting the ground rod
would do no harm and might help.  Others more knowledgeable could
quantify the improvement.  Unlike an elevated radial system, where you
would NOT want to connect the radials to an earth ground, in your system
I'd say go for it.    



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