Topband: A desert ?

w8uvz at w8uvz at
Wed Mar 31 04:02:44 PDT 2010

Hello Phil etal

My suggestion would be to try later (1030Z
onward) as the propagation seems to inprove for both US and VK stns at
that time.   And I'm sure that Tahiti would have equal

Times closer to US sunrise usually are better (at
least on this end).

Today we are hearing VK3IO and VK3ZL with
excellent sigs and it is 1045Z


George  W8UVZ

> Hello everybody. 
> Question for US, ZL and VK stations. 
> Since 1
month, top band is like a desert here in souht Pacific. 
> The
only QSO I made were ZK3YA and one VK station. 
> 80 m
seems to be a desert also. 
> Sometimes, I go on this
bands, send CQ, (autospot also on cluster) and 
> there is no QSO.

> I am not used to work DX on low bands, I just want
to know if : 
> - it is due to solar activity who is
better for high bands. 
> - it is just the bad season for low
> Best 73 de FO8RZ Phil in Tahiti. 

> 160-80 : INV L 36 M and 500 watts. (tnx tx4t) 
> Due to a crash server; web site is now on 
> UR RST IS ...
... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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