Topband: 160m Noise Floor

Bruce k1fz at
Fri Sep 3 02:39:38 PDT 2010


Glad you are getting good results from your short BOG. I am receiving 160 
and 80 meters with a experimental 122 foot BOG. With this length and my 
ground conditions it self terminates above 4.5 MHZ . My termination is two 
150 ohm resistors in series.
 When I take the termination off it has a very low VSWR from  4.5 MHZ to 
above 30 MHZ., sweeping with my CIA-HF
VSWR analyzer.  With the termination connected, it has directivity on 160 
and 80 meters. On 7 MHZ it receives but appears to have little directivity.

I use ground rods rather than radial wires.  Driven deep as possible to 
achieve the most micro volts across the 300 ohm matching transformer 
winding. Also to eliminate radial wire reactance change when used on 
multiple bands. Winter time frozen earth is not conductive so deep rods are 
recommended. (Trying to ground to the same surface earth the wire is laying 
on should result in  low potential difference)

73, Bruce

 < I use a bog like this here, about 125 ft long all on ground and can hear 
euro dx on 160 fine.  On 80 it's almost a good rx antenna, and same even 
better on 40 and 30. >

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