Topband: 160 wire yagi
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
cx6vm.jorge at
Fri Sep 10 08:53:49 PDT 2010
Thanks to all for the help.
Seems will not work right in my situation.
I have plan to rise a 190 ft tower having in mind the Comtek system of four
folded slopers, like K3LR use, maybe next year.
So this tall tower also will help to build the wire yagi, but I understood
from your suggestions that will be better the slopers system. At least to
have four directions.
Anyway how about a 3 element wire yagi and one of the slopers in the K3LR
system to the same direction in GAIN, wich one will have more gain?
About phased verticals I have a problem that is not good for me to put too
many radials in the farm, so I prefer something without radials.
Thanks again
-----Mensaje original-----
De: topband-bounces at [mailto:topband-bounces at]
En nombre de Mirko S57AD
Enviado el: Viernes, 10 de Septiembre de 2010 07:36 a.m.
Para: topband at
Asunto: Re: Topband: 160 wire yagi
Hi Jorge,
some 20 years ago at YU1EXY, we spread sloping dipole and reflector (30m
apart) from 60m tall building to SW (at 45° angle), which created sloped
(semi vertical) yagi toward NW and which performed excellently. At
opposite side of building we had 3 el wire yagi for 80, made in same
As far as I can recall, guys from Bologna (Italy) used 2 el inv V wire
yagi (switchalbe) at their "fungi" (water tower) shack, which also
preformed excellently.
IMHO, you need very tall supports for wire yagis, so IMHO it would be
better to build either wire 4-square or maybe sloping dipole array.
K3LR array would be excellent solution as well...
73 Mirko, S57AD
Na 9/8/2010 6:54 PM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM je pisal:
> Hello,
> Anyone tried a 160 mts wire yagi?
> Will appreciate some info about the performance and construction.
> I have a 120 ft tower and some big trees far apart, my idea is to do the
> wire yagi from the tower to the tree. The heights are not the same, will
> have a rope from from 120 ft high in the tower to 55 ft high in the tree
> where I will hang the elements, sloping to the ground.
> I have a tree in front of the tower and in the back, so I can do the yagi
> with the reflector lower than the driven element and the director, or
> viceversa, wich one is better?
> 73,
> Jorge
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