Topband: Noise from 802.11 access point

N1BUG paul at
Thu Sep 16 14:44:32 PDT 2010

My fellow topbanders,

I have a new noise source this season. I don't seem to be making 
much progress, nor do I fully understand the issue, so I thought I 
would try asking for advice.

I have a very unstable carrier wandering around between 1.820 - 
1.830, plus broadband noise across all of 160m and 80m. Through 
process of elimination I found the source to be a wireless access 
device (Ubiquiti Bullet, see Here is 
what has been tried so far and the results:

There are two ethernet cables associated with this device. One runs 
from a switch to the POE injector (power supply); the other from the 
injector to the Bullet. I added two chokes to each cable. Each choke 
consists of 13 turns on a 2.4" OD #31 toroid core. Total of 4 of 
these chokes, two per cable. That reduced the noise approximately 10 dB.

I wound 12 turns of the POE injector's AC power cord on another 
toroid, which reduced noise another 3 dB or so. Subsequently I added 
an Array Solutions AC-7B line filter, which provided no further 
noise reduction.

I wound 10 turns (best I can do with "at hand" materials) of small 
diameter coax on another toroid and put that in the Bullet coax 
line. This reduced noise another 2 to 3 dB. Subsequently a good 
quality high pass filter has been added, which did not help at all. 
The coax (20 feet of LMR-600UF and 170 feet of LDF5-50A) feeds an 
enclosed 2.4 GHz yagi atop one of my towers.

Some other interesting? relevant? facts:

Disconnecting the coax from the offending device completely 
eliminates the noise. Reconnecting ONLY the coax shield (no center 
conductor connection) the noise comes back.

Adding a 3 dB attenuator to the coax had no affect. 6 dB attenuator, 
no affect. 10 dB, still no affect.

IF and ONLY IF my toroid common-mode choke is installed in the coax 
line, touching a finger to the N connector on the device silences 
the noise! Touching the N connector on the outboard (antenna) side 
of my choke does NOT have any affect. I have no idea what this 
means! Grounding the connector/device has no affect.

The 2.4G yagi is directly off the end of one Beverage at a distance 
of some 150 feet, however that Beverage does not pick up the noise. 
Other Beverages which are further away and not pointing toward the 
antenna or the device itself are affected by this noise. I still 
need at least another 15 dB of noise reduction to get rid of it. I 
cannot figure out the method of noise coupling to only certain 

The device is located at my home, but it is not mine. I have 
physical access and can add filtering, etc. but I do not have access 
to device configuration.

Does anyone have any ideas? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

I guess I can work DX standing up, so I can reach to keep a finger 
on that connector! :-)

Paul N1BUG

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