Topband: ground rod replacement?

Bruce k1fz at
Thu Sep 23 22:46:05 PDT 2010


BOG antennas, through the matching  transformer, develop their signal 
between the BOG wire and a ground rod.

A higher resistive  ground rod will provide less signal strength to the 
receiver. Recommend use as long as possible copper water pipe for grounds. 
Check out building supply, and hardware stores for reasonable pricing.
Forget short ground rods in, cold weather, winter climates as frozen earth 
is a poor conductor for RF.

Reasonably short BOG's using  ground rods instead of radials allow multi 
band operation and take up less space.


I discovered that much of  the copper plating is gone. Now I'm wondering 
about all the other ground
 rods I have out on other receive antennas and if I should replace them?

 Dan W8CAR

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