Topband: double L antenna

Dave Robinson ag8b at
Tue Sep 28 18:01:03 PDT 2010

I've had excellent results the last four years with this antenna on 160.   I 
got rid of the 80m antenna because of heavy interaction.   I use an 80m 
delta loop with no interaction with the double L.   My bottom element is 
about 6 feet high.   I use equal 35 foot vertical sections and 95 foot 
horizontal sections.    I found two important keys:   1) feed it in the 
middle with a choke balun with high z at 160m.  I've had good results with 
the Balun Designs Max choking balun.  2) Keep the end of the top horizontal 
section as high as possible, ie with as little slope as possible.    My top 
horizontal section is at 75', four foot off the tower and 50' high at its 
end.   Any less than 50 feet and I really start losing performance.   The 
feedpoint impedance is 50 ohms and I don't need a transmatch unless at the 
band edges.   You can pour 1500w to it and not worrying about arcing 
anything.      I've worked 200 countries from central Michigan (not the 
greatest QTH for 160) including A7, A45, VQ9, and 3B9 so I think it works.
Good Luck,  Dave AG8B

From: "Jorge Diez - CX6VM" <cx6vm.jorge at>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:31 PM
To: <topband at>
Subject: Topband: double L antenna

> Hello,
> Someone tried this antenna?   <>

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